Have you ever wanted to get on Facebook, or any blocked site, at work or school? But, you can not because its blocked? Proxies are a great way to bypass this frustrating factor that many of us face. Proxy sites are basically a three-way connection between your computer and your destination site. A proxy site allows to you quickly and easily bypass firewalls and network filters that prevent you from accessing seemingly harmless sites.
A common question is what specifically is a “proxy?” A buy ipv4 proxy is simply a third-party site, often times hosted and operated independently, that allows you to browse the web safely by removing your IP address and distributing you a new one. (The proxy servers IP) Now, not only does this remove your digital footprint from sites your visit, it allows you to mask your browsing adventures, essentially preventing firewalls from blocking the sites you can and can not visit.
Here is a quick example of how a proxy site works. My computer –> Proxy Site –> Destination Site and the proxy site relays the information from the destination site to your computer.
Although this solves the problem of accessing a block site, the fix is only temporary. Network filters and firewalls catch on fairly quick when it comes to proxies. The average life span for a proxy is anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks. Another common question is, where do I find fresh proxy sites?
The best place to find proxy websites is by searching through proxy toplists and joining proxy group newsletters. (Just search “proxy” in yahoo groups). These are both updated more often then any other source on the web. Often times if you find the right newsletter you can get proxies delivered to your email inbox daily. Proxy toplists on the other hand are just about the easiest way to find a new proxy. They are sites dedicated to promoting and updating their list with fresh proxies.
What is the best proxy script? To be honest, I have found that the best working proxy scripts are glype proxies. You can easily view the type of script by scrolling to the bottom of any proxy site. The glype script provides the fastest response with the lightest load on the server your on.