There are many ways to communicate with your workplace: phone calls, video conferences, in-person conversations and private messaging.
Although all these channels have their benefits in making work more accessible and productive for employees, they each require a different set or skills.
Here are some effective communication strategies for the workplace that you can use on any platform.
We’ll cover:
- There are four roadblocks that prevent communication from being effective
- 3 in-person communication techniques
- 4 video communication techniques
- 5 phone communication techniques
- 4 methods of writing communication
There are four roadblocks that prevent effective communication at work
Even though we try our best to communicate with our coworkers well, sometimes things get lost in translation or cause friction. These are the most common reasons that communication breaks down at work.
1. Stress and fatigue
It doesn’t matter if your boss is speaking in a negative tone or if a colleague looks at you sideways in a meeting. If you aren’t having a great day, it’s easy to get distracted. To be more ready for any curveballs, get enough sleep and take good care of yourself.
2. Distracted listening
Active listening is best discussed in a waiting situation (more details later). You might also miss important information if your phone is on the screen during meetings. When people are presenting, it’s best to leave your phone at home or turn it off at your desk. Remote work skills include the ability to manage distractions and your response to them.
3. Skimming is better than reading
How many times have your coworkers sent you a message and you thought, “Wow, they didn’t even read my email?”
We understand that you receive a lot emails and messages each day. Some are fine to read, but others can be overwhelming. It might pay off to take the time to focus on the most important messages.
4. Interpersonal issues that remain unresolved
If there are deep seated resentments, it can be difficult to give someone the benefit-of-the-doubt. You must do your best to resolve conflict with coworkers before it escalates out of control.
Every channel can be used for workplace communication
3 in-person communication techniques
These techniques are not surprising, but it wouldn’t make a good roundup of communication techniques without some of the classics. Many of them can be used in both in-person or remote conversations.
1. Practice active listening.
When it comes to communication, active listening is a win-win situation. You receive more information quickly and the other person feels heard. This helps to build a relationship that will allow for better communication in the future.
Active listening is letting go of the need to think about what you will say next, while another person is speaking. To show you are listening, it means looking at someone and nodding. Clarifying for understanding is another solid practice in active listening. Repeat what the speaker said to you in your own words so that you understand what they mean. This can be an important piece of communication for complex projects.
2. Be open to new ideas and changes in your posture.
How you present yourself can impact how people perceive you and the impact it has on their ability to hear you. Face the person you are speaking to. Keep your arms straight and your hands at your sides. Engage in the conversation. Open postures show that you are open to learning more about the other person and their ideas.